
A Work in Progress

If anyone is wondering what we do with photos and such here is an example of a work in progress. All of these items were running loose before, some were protected in envelopes, but not all together.

They are in archival safe sleeves on archival safe paper, every item has been scanned at at least 600 dpi, unless it is so simple in nature 600 would be overkill, and all digital images are indexed with thumbnail images in documents that are also burned on to the CD with the images. If you lose your index sheets, you can print another. If you lose your CD, you can get another made.

If there were audio files of interviews that went with this particular collection, those would be on CD as well, with a typed-out transcript. One could read along and hear the individual's actual voice, or make copies of the transcript to distribute...

I like this system so much I'm using it on all of my own family archives.


genealogy services said...

Hey it is a good decision.This process can securely store historical data.
genealogical services

Karen said...

I've since ramped up my efforts in preservation, but certainly these historic treasures are better off Now than they were Before...